Consume-or-Die (2014)

Footage from realtime continuous simulation (Unity3D engine).2014

CONSUME OR DIE 2014. is a digital work which adopts videogame mechanics in the generation and collection of a succession of power-ups / consumer objects. The digital simulation is presented in auto-play mode where the player-object triggers sweeping movements through the generated space. The sequence runs continuously with accents of repetition layered with random patterns of events in the scene. Speed varies depending on the amount of items consumed. These items are based on the discarded household items depicted in the ‘unswept floor’ genre of mosaic tiles by Sosus of Pergamon, second century BC. The repeating floor pattern is based on a fragment of Roman floor mosaic found in Padua.

Game collectables based on items depicted in ‘Unswept floor’ Heraklitos mosaic , Vatican Museum.